Getting Started in Aikido

Aikido of Missoula offers beginning introductory programs throughout the year. A beginning intro or equivalent is required in order to participate in the ongoing program.


If you would like to observe a class before starting, you may do so. This will help give you a sense of our dojo, the art of Aikido, and how we train. Please notify us which class you would like to watch so we can assist you with our current protocols for entering the dojo.


We are not accepting observers on a drop in basis at this time.

“Aikido functions everywhere on earth, in realms ranging from the vastness of space down to the tiniest plants and animals. The life force is all-pervasive and its strength boundless. Aikido allows us to perceive and tap into that tremendous reserve of universal energy.”

—Morihei Ueshiba OSensei

Aikido Founder

Aikido Introductory Class

for adults and youth 12 and up


April 7th, 2025

Contact us us to reserve your spot.

This introductory session consists of four classes on the following dates:
April 7th: 5:30-7:15 p.m.
April 8th: 6:45-8:00 p.m.
April 14th: 6:00-7:15 p.m.
April 15th: 6:45-8:00 p.m.

Please note: The first class on April 7th
starts with an orientation from 5:30-6:00 p.m.

and is followed by the first class from 6:00-7:15 p.m.

  • Cost is $70 per person
  • Your payment will secure your place in the class.
  • Reservations for the class will close Thursday, April. 3rd, 2025
  • There will be registration paperwork to fill out before your first class.
  • Martial arts uniforms available for purchase. They are not required for intro sessions, but will be required when you continue training in our regular program.

Please call or email for the starting dates of subsequent beginning classes.

We would love to have you join us!

Gift Certificates Available!

Health & Safety Policy

We continue to take COVID-19 seriously and have protocols in place to help ensure the safety and comfort of all participants.

  • Anyone with symptoms of a contagious disease may not enter the dojo.  If you have symptoms of ANY contagious disease, you must not come to class to train OR observe.
  • Mask use is optional.
  • We have air treatment and surface sanitization practices in place to minimize risk of transmission.

Contact us to get started!

What to expect as a beginner in Aikido

As a newcomer to Aikido, relax and enjoy beginner’s mind. This is a special time, when you will be presented with and attempt to digest a huge amount of new information for the body, mind and spirit. It is normal to feel awkward and uncoordinated in the beginning. Aikido looks simple and self-evident. However, integrating center, relaxation, ki flow, smooth timing and a philosophy of nonfighting — presented in the package of an unknown technique with obscure foot movement and executed under attack — can be daunting, even for those athletically inclined or familiar with other martial arts or centering disciplines. In a short time the movements will begin to become familiar, the body more flexible, the thinking process less rigid and reactive, and the rolls rounder! Aikido is available to all who persevere. Training gives us an opportunity to move beyond what we thought were our limits and explore the part of ourselves that has an unknown potential.

In your first few weeks of training you will be introduced to:

  • Basic Aikido techniques
  • Beginning falling and rolling
  • Centering, breathing and blending exercises
  • Aikido principles & philosophy
  • Beginning self-defense awareness
  • Our training process

Q & A for Beginners